Thursday, April 19, 2007

What really happened!

After Michael and the gang set off on the raft, it wasn't too long before they had the first real face-to-face encounter with "the Others". Something that appeared to be some kind of boat, showed up on the radar and when it approached them, their hope for a rescue was tarnished when these people kidnapped Walt, shot Sawyer and blew the raft to pieces, leaving Michael, Sawyer, and Jin for dead!

Meanwhile at the bottom of the hatch. Kate and Locke come across a man named Desmond who has lived in solitude for over 3 years. He claims that it all has to do with an organization called the Dharma Initiative and he must enter a code into the computer every 108 minutes in order to save the world! The code is also coincidently the same numbers Hurley used to win the lottery. Ironically, when Jack makes his way down the hatch he recalls meeting Desmond one night long ago when they both happened to be running in the same stadium. Desmond shows Locke and Jack the orientation tape that gives a basic job description of duties inside this hatch, which is known as "the Swan". The last order is to wait for one's replacement, but from the looks of things it seems that nobody is coming anytime soon. Desmond also seemed to be curious why none of the survivors had gotten sick, because he was under the impression that outside the hatch was quarantined! If this all wasn't weird enough, back at sea, Michael and Sawyer try to survive on a few broken pieces of the raft. Jin is nowhere to be found and the current drifts the other two back to the island, which they have both become too familiar. Onshore, Jin comes running at them with his arms tied behind his back screaming "others", but it is too late! About six people dressed in ragged clothes knock all three of them out and throw them into a ditch. Are they these "others" who've been terrorizing them, or like Desmond, are they people that have been here all along?

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